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Where to Buy High-Quality Lion’s Mane Mushroom - Lucid™

Where to Buy High-Quality Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Its sweet, delicate flavor means that the Lion’s Mane mushroom is highly sought after and sometimes difficult to find. Lion’s Mane supplements are equally as popular, promising a slew of brain and body-boosting benefits.  Its cognition-enhancing benefits are still being explored, but anecdotal reports are consistent: Lion's Mane is one of the best nootropic mushrooms for enhancing both focus and memory.  The question is–where do you find it and how do you verify its quality? If you’re wondering where to buy Lion’s Mane mushrooms, you’re in the right place.  This is what you need to know: What is Lion’s Mane? ...

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Kat Austin
Side Effects of Mushroom Coffee Cover Photo

Side Effects of Mushroom Coffee: What to Consider Before You Try It

“Mushroom coffee” refers to some concoction of mushroom and coffee (or coffee–esque) ingredients usually designed to highlight the best benefits that medicinal and nootropic mushrooms have to offer. Whether we’re talking about a blend of ground mushrooms and coffee or a mix of mushrooms meant to be used as a coffee replacer, one thing is true: Medicinal mushrooms are powerful stuff, and like all powerful natural remedies, they come with a few possible side effects.  In other words, regardless of which mushroom coffee product you choose, you should be aware of some of the possible side effects of mushroom coffee...

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Kat Austin
Best Time to Take Cordyceps (+ Expert Tips for Best Effects) - Lucid™

Best Time to Take Cordyceps (+ Expert Tips for Best Effects)

With modern research advancing, Cordyceps is no longer a mushroom of mystery. This ancient medicine turned nootropic mushroom supplement is gaining popularity across the world thanks to purported benefits like improved athletic performance and enhanced focus.  We've touched quite a bit on what Cordyceps is and Cordyceps benefits, but now we want to answer another important question about how to integrate Cordyceps into your wellness routine–When's the best time to take Cordyceps each day?  You'll be happy to know that there's a lot of leniency in Cordyceps dosing, you just need to consider your intended purpose for taking this functional...

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Kat Austin
Benefits of Mushroom Coffee (& Quality Standards That Matter) - Lucid™

Benefits of Mushroom Coffee (& Quality Standards That Matter)

Mushroom coffee, as popular as it's becoming, is still a bit of an ambiguity right now. Are we putting mushrooms in our regular morning cup? Or is the brew made entirely of coffee-esque mushrooms? Most importantly–why? What are the benefits of mushroom coffee that make it worth giving this shroomy cup a shot?  The answer is basically this–mushrooms are magical. (And no, we don't mean magical like you'll take a trip to Wonderland. But magically beneficial for supporting energy, immunity, cognitive clarity, and more–if "magical" means "scientifically significant.") Okay, so the answer is a little more complex than "magic"–but intriguing...

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