Can Lion's Mane Help With Migranes? (Yes, with fewer side effects)

Can Lion's Mane Help With Migranes? (Yes, with fewer side effects) - Lucid™

Lion's Mane mushrooms (Hericium erinaceus), revered for their nootropic properties, are gaining attention as a natural remedy for migraines and headaches. Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, this mushroom offers a spectrum of potential health benefits, from promoting nerve cell growth to reducing inflammation to enhancing memory.

Let’s delve into the world of Lion's Mane and the available research to answer the question–can Lion’s Mane help with migraines?

Key Takeaways

  • Lion's mane mushroom has been studies for in potential impact on migraines and headaches, and preliminary evidence is positive.

  • More research is needed to fully understand how or why you may choose lion's mane for migraines.

  • Doses range from 300-1000 milligrams per day, but side effects are minimal.

Migraines and Standard Treatment

Migraines, characterized by severe headaches often accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light, and pulsating pain, significantly impact daily life. These neurological episodes can last for hours or days, hindering productivity and well-being. Standard treatments for migraines typically include over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription medications, and lifestyle adjustments.

Over-the-counter options like ibuprofen or acetaminophen offer quick relief for some, but their effectiveness varies. Prescription medications, such as triptans, aim to alleviate symptoms by constricting blood vessels, but they may cause side effects like dizziness.

Lifestyle adjustments involve identifying triggers and making changes, but this approach requires ongoing vigilance and may not provide immediate relief. Additionally, not all triggers are easily avoidable.

While these treatments can offer relief, drawbacks exist. Over-reliance on medications may lead to rebound headaches, and their efficacy varies among individuals. Exploring alternative, complementary approaches, such as natural remedies or innovative supplements like Lion's Mane, could provide a holistic perspective on managing migraines.

Introduction to Lion's Mane

Hericium erinaceus, or Lion's Mane mushroom, holds deep roots in traditional Chinese medicine, where it has been cherished for centuries. Known today as one of the best nootropic mushrooms for enhancing memory, this mushroom has been historically used to enhance overall well-being, support cognitive function, improve mood, and boost the immune system.

Today, lion’s mane is often used in supplement form, as a powder or capsule, by those who want to reap its nootropic benefits. However, as research advances, some people have taken interest in its potential benefits for relieving headaches, including migraines.

Let’s take a look at the research:

Lion's Mane Mushroom Benefits and Research

Before we delve into the research behind using lion's mane for migraines, let's explore the various health advantages, including cognitive enhancement, anti-inflammatory properties, and its potential role in preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Here's what research tells us about lions mane’s potential benefits:

  • Improved Cognitive Performance

    • Anecdotal and preliminary evidence suggests lion’s mane enhances cognitive performance.

    • Animal studies and human trials indicate potential benefits for memory and object recognition.

    • Emerging research explores its role in preventing cognitive decline linked to neurodegenerative disorders.

  • Nervous System Repair

    • Lion’s Mane extract stimulates nerve cell growth and accelerates nervous system healing.

    • One other study confirmed its effectiveness in promoting nervous system repair, potentially aiding in brain damage recovery.

  • Antioxidant Benefits

    • Research identifies lion’s mane among the top medicinal mushrooms with potent antioxidant activity.

    • Its antioxidant properties may protect against free radical damage, addressing age-related cognitive decline.

  • Improving Gut Health

    • In animal trials, Lion’s mane showed promise in enhancing gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria.

    • Another study indicates potential positive impacts on the immune system through the improvement of gut flora.

  • Mood Support

    • An animal study suggests lion’s mane may combat anxiety and depression.

    • Limited human evidence indicates improvements in sleep quality and menopausal issues, emphasizing its potential mood-supportive role.

Can Lion’s Mane Alleviate Migraines?

While the research on lion’s mane and migraines is limited, existing studies suggest promising potential for alleviating migraine symptoms. The mushroom's anti-inflammatory properties and positive effects on blood vessels position it as a natural supplement for migraine relief.

2020 study compared the efficacy of migraine medications with natural alternatives, including lion’s mane, revealing comparable effectiveness with fewer side effects. Additionally, lion’s mane demonstrates cognitive benefits, reducing brain fog associated with migraines.

An animal study from 2018 indicates its ability to promote brain cell growth and regeneration, contributing to improved mental clarity. While further research is needed, these findings highlight lion’s mane as a compelling avenue for migraine management.

Addressing Concerns: Lion's Mane Side Effects

Lion's Mane mushroom, recognized for its potential cognitive benefits, is generally considered safe for consumption. However, addressing safety concerns is crucial, and it's essential to explore potential side effects associated with Lion's Mane consumption.

Some individuals may experience mild side effects or discomfort, such as nausea or stomach upset, though such occurrences are rare. It's important to note that these effects are typically temporary and subside as the body adjusts to the mushroom.

Emphasizing the overall safety of Lion's Mane consumption involves highlighting the absence of serious adverse reactions in the majority of users. As with any supplement, you should consult with healthcare professionals before incorporating Lion's Mane into your routine, particularly if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medications.

Optimal Dosage and Usage: Lion's Mane for Migraines

To achieve optimal relief from migraines, understanding the recommended dosage of Lion's Mane is essential. Research has not indicated a daily dosage threshold yet, but many people find success with the low and slow method.

To get started with lion's mane for migraines, start with 200-300 mg daily. Then, slowly increase your daily dosage of lion's mane. Research indicated that daily doses of 1 gram (1,000 mg) of lion's mane extract are safe when taken daily for up to 16 weeks.

Enter Lucid Coffee – a convenient powerhouse of medicinal mushrooms, featuring Lion's Mane extract. This innovative product not only simplifies the incorporation of Lion's Mane into your routine but also offers a delightful coffee experience. With a carefully curated blend of nootropics and mushrooms, Lucid Coffee provides a potent source of functional mushroom beta glucans, enhancing the potential benefits for migraine management.

Elevate your daily ritual by embracing Lucid Coffee, an easy and flavorful way to unlock the therapeutic advantages of Lion's Mane and other medicinal mushrooms for supporting your brain’s full potential.

If you want to take full advantage of the "functional" side of functional mushrooms, consider a mushroom super-blend like our Lucid Coffee, Chai, or Matcha powders. It takes full advantage of the benefits of these superfood mushrooms by pairing Cordyceps,  Maitake, Tremella, and Lion's Mane, plus powerful nootropics, like BCAA's, L-Theanine, Alpha-GPC, and more. 

FAQ on Lion's Mane Mushrooms for Migraines

What does lion’s mane do to the brain?

Lion’s mane is known for acting as a nootropic, meaning it alters neurochemistry in a positive way. It is commonly said to have potential for alleviating symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, promoting improved mood and mental clarity. Research suggests it aids in neuron health maintenance, preventing neurodegenerative disorders, and stimulating neurogenesis.

Who should not take lion’s mane?

While generally safe, caution is advised for individuals with allergies or those taking specific medications, such as anticoagulants and diabetes medication. Allergic reactions and potential interactions should be monitored, and consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended. You should also proceed with caution if you are planning to breastfeed while taking Lion’s Mane.

Can I take lion’s mane every day?

Yes, lion’s mane is safe for daily consumption for most people and offers long-term benefits, including potential prevention of cognitive decline. Always talk to you doctor before incorporating new supplements.

Does lion’s mane affect hormones?

Lion’s mane has the potential to influence hormone production by promoting the growth of nerve cells, particularly in the hypothalamus. Compounds like hericenones and erinacines stimulate brain-derived neurotrophic factors, which regulate the production of certain hormones.

How do lion’s mane mushrooms make you feel?

Lion’s mane is likely to improve mood, mental clarity, and focus, with reported alleviation of symptoms related to depression, anxiety, and stress.

Does lion’s mane affect sleep?

While not inducing sleepiness, lion’s mane may aid in better sleep by relieving anxiety. Studies suggest its anxiety-relieving effects could contribute to improved sleep quality.

Is lion’s mane addiction a risk when consuming this mushroom?

No, lion’s mane does not contain psychoactive substances like psilocybin and does not lead to addiction.


  1. “Dietary Supplementation of Hericium erinaceus Increases Mossy Fiber-CA3 Hippocampal Neurotransmission and Recognition Memory in Wild-Type Mice”

  2. “The Neuroprotective Properties of Hericium erinaceus in Glutamate-Damaged Differentiated PC12 Cells and an Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model”

  3. “Lion's Mane, Hericium erinaceus and Tiger Milk, Lignosus rhinocerotis (Higher Basidiomycetes) Medicinal Mushrooms Stimulate Neurite Outgrowth in Dissociated Cells of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Retina: An In Vitro Study”

  4. “Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Following Crush Injury to Rat Peroneal Nerve by Aqueous Extract of Medicinal Mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae)”

  5. “Evaluation of Selected Culinary-Medicinal Mushrooms for Antioxidant and ACE Inhibitory Activities”

  6. “Immunomodulatory effects of Hericium erinaceus derived polysaccharides are mediated by intestinal immunology”

  7. “Immunomodulatory Activities of a Fungal Protein Extracted from Hericium erinaceus through Regulating the Gut Microbiota”

  8. “Effects of amycenone on serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-10, and depression-like behavior in mice after lipopolysaccharide administration”

  9. “Migraine treatment and healthcare costs: retrospective analysis of the China Health Insurance Research Association (CHIRA) database”

  10. “Hericium erinaceus Extract Reduces Anxiety and Depressive Behaviors by Promoting Hippocampal Neurogenesis in the Adult Mouse Brain”

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