Fueling Your Body The Efficient Way.
Achieving a complete state of clarity is at the root of our journey here at LUCID. Our mission is to elevate the mind-body relationship by tapping into the offerings of both mother earth and science. We’ve unlocked a gateway to a better way of living. Some would call it a cheat code. We just believe humanity has finally caught up to what’s been in front of us for thousands of years. Impacted and captivated by the powers of functional mushrooms and nootropics, we’ve chosen to meticulously forage only the finest ingredients, blending them into a daily drink that doesn't just taste fantastic—it's a catalyst for transformation.

Progress Isn't A Destination. It's a way of life.
There is a common thread at the core of our values; live young for as long as possible. We seek new adventures for the undiscovered. We embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth. We push through the boundaries beyond our limitations. All of these journeys accompanied with smiles, laughter and banter.

All of our products are proudly manufactured in a facility powered entirely by solar energy. Not only are we prioritizing the health of our bodies, we’re also committing to the health of our planet.