With modern research advancing, Cordyceps is no longer a mushroom of mystery. This ancient medicine turned nootropic mushroom supplement is gaining popularity across the world thanks to purported benefits like improved athletic performance and enhanced focus.
We've touched quite a bit on what Cordyceps is and Cordyceps benefits, but now we want to answer another important question about how to integrate Cordyceps into your wellness routine–When's the best time to take Cordyceps each day?
You'll be happy to know that there's a lot of leniency in Cordyceps dosing, you just need to consider your intended purpose for taking this functional fungus. Here's what you need to know to get started:
Table of Contents
Key Takeaways
The best time to take cordyceps depends on how you intend to use it and various other factors in your wellness routine.
You may take cordyceps at multiple different points throughout your day, though it's commonly taken in the morning.
When in doubt, always discuss your wellness routine with your doctor to determine the best time to take cordyceps surrounding other supplements or medications.
Cordyceps Benefits
Like many mushrooms, Cordyceps is loaded with polysaccharides that have been shown to have powerful antioxidant effects, as well as other therapeutic compounds, like vitamins B and C, copper, potassium, and amino acids. Cordyceps also contains Cordycepin, a bio-metabolite that’s not found in other functional mushrooms, but that may have its own therapeutic benefits.
The first known use of Cordyceps mushroom was by Tibetan herdsmen to combat the side effects of oxygen deprivation caused by working at such high altitudes. Now, modern researchers believe that Cordyceps may boost physical performance, help to slow or reverse the aging process, balance blood sugar, and improve heart health.
All in all, Cordyceps may help you unlock a slew of beneficial health effects when used as part of a daily wellness routine.
Read “Cordyceps Benefits” to learn more.
When to Take Cordyceps
Figuring out the best time to take Cordyceps mushrooms just takes a little introspection. Here are some of the factors you should consider:
- The reason you intend to take Cordyceps
- What other supplements you take and when you take them
- Your physical activity regimen
- What time of day is most convenient for regular doses
All things considered, here are the times you may consider adding your Cordyceps dose:
In the Morning
Because Cordyceps might help improve focus and boost energy levels, many people like to take Cordyceps first thing in the morning. If this is the case for you, you may want to look for a Cordyceps tea, coffee, or extract powder that you can add alongside your breakfast to make daily dosing a smooth part of your morning routine.
Before Exercising
One of Cordyceps' primary purported benefits is the ability to increase oxygen flow throughout the body, potentially improving athletic performance. For this reason, you may take Cordyceps 30 minutes to 1 hour before you hit the gym or start your regular workouts.
When You're Sick
Many people believe Cordyceps to have powerful immune-stimulating and anti-inflammatory benefits. This combined with its potential ability to increase oxygen and blood flow throughout the body may help get you back on your feet when you're feeling ill.
If you already take Cordyceps daily, just continue your regular dosing when you're feeling under the weather. Otherwise, you can incorporate cordyceps once daily in the morning until you're feeling better.

How Long Will it Take for Cordyceps to Work?
Like most superfood mushrooms, you need to take Cordyceps regularly to reap its full benefits. Some people claim that they feel the benefits of Cordyceps almost immediately after dosing, but most people report feeling the most benefits after one or two weeks of regular dosing.
In many studies, the benefits of Cordyceps disappeared after dosing was discontinued, so it may be best to make Cordyceps mushroom a part of your daily wellness routine.
How Much Cordyceps Can You Take?
Cordyceps dosage varies based on unique physical factors, like weight and age, as well as lifestyle factors like diet and activity levels. Plus, you'll also find that different dosing styles require different dosages.
For instance, a whole Cordyceps powder contains a less concentrated version of the mushroom's bioactive compounds, like beta-glucans and cordycepin. Meanwhile, Cordyceps extract powder is highly concentrated, meaning you should take less.
Typically, people take between 0.5 g and 1 g of Cordyceps extract powder or up to 3 g of whole Cordyceps powder.
You may find that you need less Cordyceps when taking it as part of a functional mushroom blend because many functional mushrooms have synergistic effects.
Read “Cordyceps Dosage” to learn more.
Tips for the Best Time to Take Cordyceps
- Consider taking Cordyceps in the mornings with breakfast or mixed into your coffee or tea.
- If you drink Cordyceps as tea, you may not need to take it with food. For concentrated forms of the mushroom, consider taking it with or after a meal to avoid any potential stomach upset or other Cordyceps side effects.
- Cordyceps extract powder is convenient since you can measure it in precise increments to meet almost any dosing need. It’s also concentrated, so only small doses are needed.
- Talk to your doctor about your Cordyceps dose if you take other supplements or medications. You may be able to take Cordyceps alongside other medications, but you need to space the doses appropriately.
- “Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial and assessment of fermentation product of Cordyceps sinensis (Cs-4) in enhancing aerobic capacity and respiratory function of the healthy elderly volunteers” https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02836405
- “Cordyceps sinensis: Genotoxic Potential in Human Peripheral Blood Cells and Antigenotoxic Properties Against Hydrogen Peroxide by Comet Assay” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27433838/
- “The anti-hyperglycemic activity of the fruiting body of Cordyceps in diabetic rats induced by nicotinamide and streptozotocin” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15050427/
- “Chapter 5: Cordyceps as an Herbal Drug” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92758/