Creatine and Adderall: Safe to Mix or a Risky Combination? - Lucid™

Creatine and Adderall: Safe to Mix or a Risky Combination?

Written by: Kat Austin



Time to read 5 min

Creatine, a popular supplement among athletes for muscle growth, and Adderall, a prescription medication primarily used to treat ADHD, may seem like an unlikely pair.

But now that creatine is gaining traction for its potential nootropic effects, people are becoming more curious about whether creatine and Adderall can be safely combined?

Let's dive in and explore.

Key Takeaways

Creatine may enhance cognitive function and potentially aid ADHD symptoms by boosting brain energy levels.

There is no direct evidence on the safety of combining creatine and Adderall, so consulting a healthcare provider is essential.

Combining creatine and Adderall can offer benefits but also carries risks, such as increased stimulant effects and altered metabolism, requiring careful medical supervision.

Understanding Creatine

Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid crucial for energy production in the body. It's mainly stored in skeletal muscles and plays a vital role in generating ATP, the body's primary energy currency.

While creatine supplements are most commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance muscle mass, strength, and power, people are beginning to utilize it for it’s ability to increase brain energy. Creatine’s nootropic benefits may include:

Creatine may hold promise in influencing ADHD symptoms, but the evidence is overall inconclusive.

  • Boosting Brain Creatine Levels

    • Some  studies  propose that creatine supplementation could positively affect cognitive performance by bolstering brain creatine levels, potentially offering relief for ADHD symptoms. 

    • Low levels of creatine in the brain have been observed in ADHD children and adults, though the link between brain creatine levels and ADHD is not clear. 

  • Creatine May Boost Working Memory and Intelligence

    • A study at the University of Sydney found that creatine supplementation improved working memory and intelligence in young adult vegetarians, who typically have lower creatine levels due to diet.

    • Participants took 5 grams of creatine daily for 6 weeks in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

  • It May Increase IQ and Attention Span

    • Research conducted by the University of Sunderland involved giving 5 grams of creatine daily to healthy non-vegetarians for 2 weeks.

    • The creatine group showed improvements in memory, attention, and IQ tests compared to the placebo group.

  • Creatine May Repair Brain Cells and Provide Neuroprotective Effects

    • Limited evidence suggests creatine could offer neuroprotective effects against diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

    • Creatine's role in supporting brain energy metabolism makes it a promising candidate for therapies targeting cell repair and replacement in neurological diseases.

While creatine's benefits extend beyond physical performance, including potential therapeutic benefits in certain medical conditions, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

Understanding Adderall

Adderall is a prescription medication containing dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, commonly prescribed to treat ADHD and sometimes narcolepsy. It works by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, stimulating the central nervous system to improve concentration, memory, and organization.

However, it's essential to note that Adderall is a controlled substance with a high potential for addiction and abuse, requiring careful medical supervision.

Furthermore, while Adderall may improve the ability to focus in people with ADHD, it does not necessarily target all areas of brain health, leaving room for other nootropics to join in a well-rounded cognitive health regimen.

Is it Safe to Combine Adderall and Creatine?

No studies have looked specifically at the interactions between Adderall and Creatine, but there are no known reactions between the two.

Many people have taken creatine as a workout supplement while taking Adderall with no adverse effects. However, the overall safety of combining these two substances depends on many factors, like other medications you may take and predisposed health conditions.

Creatine may not be right for those with blood pressure issues or diabetes. Creatine is safe for the liver in most healthy adults, but those with liver dysfunction shouldn't take creatine without first consulting their doctor. 

You should always talk to your doctor before starting new supplements if you take daily medications, including Adderall. But first, let’s talk about some of the pros and cons of combining creatine and Adderall to help you decide if this is the best route for you

Pros and Cons of Combining Creatine and Adderall

While there haven't been direct studies examining the effects of combining creatine and Adderall in humans, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

Benefits :

  • Creatine may help prevent unwanted weight loss associated with Adderall use.

  • There are plausible benefits of supplementing creatine when prescribed Adderall for ADHD.

  • Creatine may help to boost cognitive endurance, supplying the brain with steady energy.

Risks :

  • Combining too much Adderall and creatine may enhance the stimulant effects of Adderall, leading to adverse effects like accelerated heart rate, high blood pressure, and anxiety.

  • Creatine's interaction with Adderall could alter the body's metabolism of Adderall, affecting its benefits and side effects.

  • Adderall has been shown to reduce creatine levels in the blood, potentially diminishing the effectiveness of creatine supplementation.

What Drugs Will Adderall and Creatine interact with?

Although creatine and Adderall have no known interactions, both creatine and Adderall can interact with other substances.

Adderall Drug Interactions

Adderall may interact with the following substances:

  • Opioids

  • Acidifying agents

  • Alkalinizing agents

  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

  • SSRIs

  • SNRIs

  • Bupropion

  • Other antidepressants

  • Antidepressants can exacerbate

Creatine Interactions

Creatine may interact with some medications, including:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

  • Caffeine

  • Diuretics (water pills)

  • Cimetidine (Tagamet)

  • Probenecid


Both Adderall and creatine can interact with other medications and substances, so consulting with a healthcare provider before combining them is crucial to avoid potential adverse effects. Ultimately, the decision to combine creatine and Adderall should be made under the guidance of a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice based on individual health history and prescribed medications.

In summary, while both Adderall and creatine can enhance sports performance independently, combining them is not recommended due to the potential for adverse effects. It's essential to prioritize safety and consult with a healthcare professional before considering this combination.

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  1. “Does brain creatine content rely on exogenous creatine in healthy youth? A proof-of-principle study”

  2. “Oral creatine monohydrate supplementation improves brain performance: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial”

  3. “Cognitive effects of creatine ethyl ester supplementation”

  4. “A review of creatine supplementation in age-related diseases: more than a supplement for athletes”,%2C%20Alzheimer%27s%20disease%2C%20and%20stroke .

  5. “Drug Interactions between Adderall and creatine” .