Lucid University

Kat Austin
How Much L-Theanine Should I Take for Anxiety? - Lucid™

How Much L-Theanine Should I Take for Anxiety?

L-theanine is an amino acid known for its potential calming and focus-enhancing effects. While not naturally produced by the body, researchers believe it can play a significant role when taken as a supplement. It is similar to glutamate, a naturally occurring amino acid that helps transmit nerve signals in the brain. Evidence suggests that L-theanine may regulate neurochemicals like GABA, dopamine, and serotonin, which are essential for mood and relaxation. Unsurprisingly, studies link it to reduced anxiety, improved sleep quality, and enhanced focus. But the pressing question remains: How much L-theanine should you take for anxiety? Let’s explore the research-backed...

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Kat Austin
L-Theanine and Caffeine: The Nootropic Stack Your Mornings Need - Lucid™

L-Theanine and Caffeine: The Nootropic Stack Your Mornings Need

Coffee or tea? It’s an age old question, but you no longer need to choose. What if you could take the best qualities of both coffee and tea and use them to “biohack” your brain–that is, level up your cognitive performance? How do you do it? By matching up L-theanine and caffeine to create the perfect nootropic stack. According to modern research, caffeine and L-theanine don’t just boost each other’s benefits, but they even each other's odds. In fact, L-theanine, an amino acid prominently found in tea leaves, may be the answer to coffee’s jittery, anxious downsides. So, you may...

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Kat Austin
Best Time to Take Alpha GPC for Different Health Benefits - Lucid™

Best Time to Take Alpha GPC for Different Health Benefits

Alpha-GPC (also known as choline alphoscerate) is a crucial lipid that helps the body make choline, so it has a hand in many different regulatory processes. According to many, there are a range of potential benefits to reap from your daily Alpha-GPC dose, like improved athletic performance to possible neuroprotective effects. No matter your reason for taking Alpha-GPC, you need to consider one important question when designing your dosing routine–when is the best time to take Alpha-GPC? For most people, taking Alpha-GPC in the morning or early afternoon is the best way to reap its nootropic benefits. Here, we’ll discuss...

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Kat Austin
How to Make Mushroom Tea: The Magic and Medicinal Mushroom Guidebook - Lucid™

How to Make Mushroom Tea: The Magic and Medicinal Mushroom Guidebook

Mushroom tea is a classic way to reap the benefits of medicinal mushrooms, including adaptogenic mushrooms and those with nootropic effects. It is, of course, also one of the primary ways that “magic mushrooms” (those laced with psilocybin) are used. Regardless of which therapeutic experience you're after, making mushroom tea is super easy, and you can mix it up to fit your preference. Below we'll cover two different ways to make mushroom tea, plus information about mushroom tea dosage, risks, and more. Let's take it from the top: Table of Contents Key Takeaways What’s Mushroom Tea? Mushroom Tea Active Compounds...

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