Mushroom Coffee for ADHD: What You Need To Know

Mushroom Coffee for ADHD: What You Need To Know - Lucid™

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity is often treated with pharmaceutical medications like Adderall.

Unfortunately, while these medications may help manage ADHD symptoms, they have negative side effects of their own. Many people who suffer from ADHD seek other, more natural options.

Enter the concept of mushroom coffee for ADHD, a potential trial solution that promises to soothe hyperactivity and promote stable focus. The question is, is there any validity to this emerging trend? Let's take a look at the science to decide:

Key Takeaways

  • ADHD treatment involves various approaches, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Mushroom coffee can be a valuable addition to your ADHD regimen.

  • Lion's mane, cordyceps, and reishi mushrooms are studied for cognitive benefits, but research on their specific effects on ADHD is limited.

  • Mushroom nootropic supplements may be best for cognitive support, though they're not approved as ADHD treatments. Talk to your doctor before using mushroom supplements for ADHD.

Understanding ADHD and ADHD Medication

ADHD is a complex condition with a range of symptoms that can manifest differently in each individual. Common symptoms include difficulty paying attention, excessive restlessness or impulsivity, and struggles with organization and time management.

While the exact cause of ADHD remains unknown, factors such as genetics, brain structure and function, and environmental influences are believed to play a role.

Current treatment options for ADHD typically include stimulant medications like methylphenidate and amphetamines, non-stimulant medications like atomoxetine, behavioral therapy, and lifestyle modifications. However, these treatments may not be effective for everyone and can sometimes come with unwanted side effects or limitations.

What is Mushroom Coffee?

Mushroom coffee is a unique beverage that combines traditional coffee with extracts from various mushrooms, such as lion's mane, reishi, and cordyceps. You may find mushroom coffee in many forms, including traditional brew and instant mushroom coffee, as well as mushroom coffee with and without caffeine

Medicinal mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine practices, particularly in Asian cultures, for their potential health benefits. Particularly, mushroom coffee is gaining popularity in the wellness community for its purported nootropic properties, or ability to promote cognitive function. But every mushroom coffee formula is different–and each medicinal mushroom has unique benefits.

Let’s take a look at different medicinal mushrooms and their primary benefits, and especially those that may benefit cognitive function.

Medicinal Mushrooms: What’s Best for Mushroom Coffee for ADHD?

Cordyceps mushroom

Cordyceps may optimize the body’s environment to increase energy output and enhance physical and mental stamina.

Some evidence suggests that Cordyceps may help to increase the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the body. ATP is essential for various biological functions, including muscle contraction and protein synthesis. According to research, this action of cordyceps may be advantageous for increasing endurance by improving oxygen flow in the body during physical activity.

In a 2016 study , mice were able to continue swimming significantly longer after taking cordyceps. A placebo-controlled study from 2006 confirmed similar results in humans while doing exhaustive running exercises.

Various other studies have confirmed that both the Cordyceps Sinensis and Cordyceps militaris strain of the mushroom have similar effects. It’s unknown how Cordyceps specifically impacts cognition, but by improving blood flow to the brain, it may also improve cognitive processing speed.

Lion’s Mane mushroom

Lion’s Mane has been in medicinal rotation for hundreds of years, and even ancient physicians pinned it as a brain-boosting substance. In fact, it’s well known to be one of the best natural nootropics for improving memory .

Most of what we believe about lion’s mane’s cognitive benefits come from anecdotal reports, but there is some evidence to show how well lion’s mane may work to improve cognitive performance. For now, most studies involve either animals or elderly subjects. Some evidence points towards lion’s mane as a potential treatment for dementia.

According to a 2017 animal study , lion’s mane may have a positive impact on object recognition and memory. One human trial found that regular lion’s mane doses helped to improve cognitive performance in adults between the ages of 50 and 86 compared to the placebo group. Further research suggests that lion’s mane may be beneficial for preventing cognitive decline caused by neurodegenerative disorders, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Perhaps the most intriguing potential benefit of Lion’s Mane, however, is its ability to repair nervous system pathways and support the growth of new neural connections.

One study found that Lion’s Mane extract may encourage the growth of new nerve cells and may stimulate faster healing within the nervous system by stimulating the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). Another study confirmed these effects–Lion’s mane was capable of increasing nervous system repair in rats with nerve damage compared to control subjects.

Thanks to these benefits, lion’s mane may not only be useful for healing brain damage, but it may help to improve neural pathways over time to improve all facets of cognition and processing speed.

Reishi mushroom

Reishi doesn’t have as many direct links to nootropic properties as the two medicinal mushrooms we’ve just covered–but it still may pose some benefits for managing ADHD symptoms through potent adaptogenic effects.

Adaptogens are compounds that regulate cortisol and the body’s stress response. Adaptogens are able to help the body adapt to stress–increasing cortisol output when the body needs to focus, and decreasing it when the body needs to relax. This can play an indirect role in managing attention.

While researchers have not yet explored the direct link between Reishi and ADHD, some research efforts have highlighted the benefits of adaptogenic compounds for managing ADHD in young patients. Furthermore, studies have found that regular reishi supplements may result in less daily fatigue, which may even help to improve sleep quality.

How Mushroom + Nootropics May Team Up to Manage ADHD

Although mushroom coffee has garnered attention as a holistic remedy for ADHD, it's important to acknowledge that the true heroes are nootropics. Certain medicinal mushrooms, such as lion’s mane and cordyceps, contain nootropic properties that enhance cognitive abilities. Integrating them with other nootropic supplements could potentially offer the optimal route to enhancing brain function without relying on pharmaceuticals.

Lucid Super Coffee is a standout example of this synergy. It's a blend of functional mushrooms and proven nootropics in an easy-to-use drink mix. With ingredients like L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine, and mushrooms such as Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps, Lucid offers both immediate and long-term benefits for cognitive function and overall health.

While we don’t pose Lucid as an ADHD treatment, its focus on promoting balance between body and mind makes it a valuable addition to wellness routines.

Mushroom Coffee for ADHD: What to Consider

Before incorporating mushroom coffee into their routine, individuals with ADHD should consider the following:

  • Safety and Quality Concerns: While mushrooms are generally considered safe for consumption, individuals with allergies or sensitivities to mushrooms should exercise caution.

    Also keep in mind that supplements are not regulated as strictly as pharmaceuticals in the U.S., so you should take special care to purchase a mushroom supplement from a high-quality manufacturer. Read “How to Choose a High Quality Mushroom Coffee” to learn more.

  • Potential Side Effects : Some individuals may experience digestive upset or allergic reactions when consuming mushroom coffee. It's essential to start with a small dose and monitor for any adverse reactions. Read “Mushroom Supplement Side Effects” to learn more.

  • Dosage and Usage: The optimal dosage of mushroom coffee for ADHD management has not been established. Individuals should follow the recommendations provided by the manufacturer and consult with a healthcare professional if unsure.

  • Interaction with Medications: Mushroom coffee may interact with certain medications used to treat ADHD or other health conditions. It's essential to discuss any potential interactions with a healthcare provider before starting mushroom coffee.


In conclusion, mushroom coffee holds promise as a potential complementary approach for managing ADHD symptoms. The mushrooms used in mushroom coffee blends, such as lion's mane, reishi, and cordyceps, have been studied for their potential cognitive-enhancing effects and overall health benefits.

While more research is needed to understand the specific effects of mushroom coffee on ADHD, individuals interested in trying it should consider safety concerns, potential side effects, and consultation with a healthcare professional. Ultimately, mushroom coffee may offer a natural and alternative option for individuals seeking additional support for their ADHD symptoms.

Become Lucid: The All-in-One Nootropic + Mushroom Stack

Our Lucid stack contains Alpha-GPC, L-Theanine, and L-Tyrosine, plus other nootropics (Ginkgo Biloba and BCAA’s) and four powerful medicinal mushrooms (Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Maitake, and Tremella).

When it’s all said and done, this nootropic + mushroom super blend adds up to offer these benefits and more:

  • Increases focus and cognitive endurance

  • Improves athletic performance

  • Helps to manage fatigue

  • Boosts immunity

  • Improves neurogenesis

  • Enhances learning, and memory

  • Supports a healthy stress response

  • Promotes relaxation

  • Supports a balanced mood

Lucid beverages contain a blend of brain-boosting nootropics + powerful mushrooms designed to unlock your brain's full potential so you can zone in on what's important. 

Ready to become lucid?  Check out our starter kit. 

Mushroom Coffee for ADHD: FAQ

1. Are mushrooms good for ADHD?

While lion's mane mushrooms have shown promising results in research, there's currently no evidence to support their effectiveness in managing ADHD symptoms. If you're uncertain about whether lion's mane mushrooms or supplements are suitable for you, feel free to reach out to us for guidance.

2. Can Adaptogenic Mushrooms Help With ADHD Focus?

There isn't substantial evidence to suggest that adaptogenic mushrooms, such as lion's mane, can effectively improve focus in individuals with ADHD. While small studies have indicated cognitive benefits in healthy adults and those with mild memory loss, there's a lack of research specifically targeting ADHD populations.

3. Who should not drink mushroom coffee?

Individuals with kidney issues or digestive problems may be more susceptible to the potential side effects of mushroom coffee. Certain mushrooms commonly used in mushroom coffee, like chaga, contain high levels of oxalates, which could pose risks for some individuals.

4. What is the #1 supplement helpful for ADHD?

There isn't a definitive "number one" supplement for ADHD. However, individuals with ADHD often explore alternative treatments, including lion's mane mushroom, micro-dosing psychedelics, and high-dose caffeine, particularly amid shortages of stimulant medications.

5. Which mushroom is best for ADHD?

While there's growing interest in unconventional treatments like lion's mane mushroom for ADHD, it's important to note that conclusive evidence supporting its effectiveness is still lacking. Research into the efficacy of mushrooms specifically for managing ADHD symptoms is ongoing.


  1. “Effect of Polysaccharide from Cordyceps militaris (Ascomycetes) on Physical Fatigue Induced by Forced Swimming”

  2. “Dietary Supplementation of Hericium erinaceus Increases Mossy Fiber-CA3 Hippocampal Neurotransmission and Recognition Memory in Wild-Type Mice”

  3. “Improving effects of the mushroom Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus) on mild cognitive impairment: a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial”

  4. “The Neuroprotective Properties of Hericium erinaceus in Glutamate-Damaged Differentiated PC12 Cells and an Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model”

  5. “Lion's Mane, Hericium erinaceus and Tiger Milk, Lignosus rhinocerotis (Higher Basidiomycetes) Medicinal Mushrooms Stimulate Neurite Outgrowth in Dissociated Cells of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Retina: An In Vitro Study”

  6. “Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Following Crush Injury to Rat Peroneal Nerve by Aqueous Extract of Medicinal Mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae)”

  7. “Non-Pharmacological Treatments for ADHD in Youth”

  8. “Ganoderma lucidum promotes sleep through a gut microbiota-dependent and serotonin-involved pathway in mice”

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